Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Qualities of a Pilot

Qualities i would decribe myself with are courgeuos,passionate and determined.I would decribe me as courgeuos because i have performed exceedingly dangerous tricks in the air to earn money for my flight school.Sadly, i never lived to see the flight school opened to people who shared the same love for flying as i did.Passionate is also an another quality i would decribe myself because i never ever stopped for a second and thought about how deadly flying could be all i knew was that i loved it and it was a strong passion of mine so i would fly as long as i could.I would describe myself as determined because even though i had a plane crash before the crash that killed me i never did think for a minute what might happen the next time i was in the deadly air all i ever thought about was raise enough money to open a flight school.These are all examples from my life that determine how these qualities are associated with me.

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