Friday, April 24, 2009

An Inspiration

Bessie Coleman died from a plane crash on April 30th in Jacksonville,Florida.Her body was brutally crushed my the old plane she had been flying.Many people were devestated at the death of such an inspiration.As a sign of respect thousands visited her gravestone to their goodbyes to Bessie Coleman, the woman with a dream to fly - to fly like a bird.After Bessie Coleman`s death, a flight school was opened under her name.Her ambition was to set up a flight school for anybody who wanted to fly.Every year students from Bessie Coleman`s flight school fly over her gravestone on the pitiful day of her death to show respect toward their inspiration.

I think that Bessie Coleman was an inspiration to many because she was determined and courageuos too.Bessie Coleman was exceedingly brave because she took many risks in the air and on land to raise enough money to open a flight school.This example shows how determined she was too .She was an inspiration to millions of people from her time and ours.She showed people all over the world that it is possible to live your dream but you have to go get it.

I learned many new things from this non fiction book.I learned all about Bessie Coleman and her life and the gigantic effect she had on the world .I also learned about her hardships she faced and any African American faced during those racist periods of time.In addition, i also learned much about how difficult it was to be a woman and to have a wild dream.These are most of the things that i learned from this book.

There was a point in the book that explained the topic of how difficult is was to be both African American and a woman with a dream to fly in which i thought the author did not express the information enough.But otherwise i liked the author`s style and tone ,this book of Bessie Coleman definately inspired me.She is truly an inspiration.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Up in the Air

Up in the Air, The Story of Bessie Coleman by Philip S.Hart was published by the Twenty -First Century Books.The copyright date for this biography on Bessie Coleman was in 1996.I would read another book from this author because Philip S.Hart is an extraordinarily talented writer and he informed the reader of most of the imperative events in Bessie Coleman`s life.However,the author did not decribe the hardships of being an African American woman trying to fly and only touched lightly on the important subject.In Bessie Coleman`s time racism was a colossal issue and i think the author did not express the importance of the issue too well.
Furthermore, Philip S.Hart breifly mentioned Bessie Coleman`s marriage to Claude Glenn.Additionally, the author did not mention the affect Bessie Coleman`s brutal death affected people all over the world .Overall, Up in the Air , The Story of Bessie Coleman by Philip S.Hart is an amazing biography and i would read another book from this skilled author.This story had definately inspired me and i can understand the influence Bessie Coleman had on people all over the world : flyers,dreamers and achievers.

Amazing Ambitions

Many events shaped and changed my life.One of the events was moving to Chicago because otherwise i would have never met the publisher of The Defender who then helped me get into a flight school in France.Therefore,becoming a manicurist also changed my life because i met Mr.Abbott while in the salon.Obstacles in my life where mainly being an African American and a woman with a crazy ambition to fly.Another obstacle i had to face was when i was in France and the French flight school that Mr.Abbott had recommended did not accept my application after two of their French women students died .Consequently, as a young African American woman alone in a foriegn country, i had to search for a flight school in France willing to accept African American woman with a passion to fly.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Qualities of a Pilot

Qualities i would decribe myself with are courgeuos,passionate and determined.I would decribe me as courgeuos because i have performed exceedingly dangerous tricks in the air to earn money for my flight school.Sadly, i never lived to see the flight school opened to people who shared the same love for flying as i did.Passionate is also an another quality i would decribe myself because i never ever stopped for a second and thought about how deadly flying could be all i knew was that i loved it and it was a strong passion of mine so i would fly as long as i could.I would describe myself as determined because even though i had a plane crash before the crash that killed me i never did think for a minute what might happen the next time i was in the deadly air all i ever thought about was raise enough money to open a flight school.These are all examples from my life that determine how these qualities are associated with me.

Dazzling Dreams

I affected many people when i earned my pilot license.Especially many African Americans with the same goal as me and women who wanted to fly too.Additionally, i inspired many with an irrational ambition such as mine to live their dream and never give up, as i never did.Unfortunately, i did not live to be able to open my own flight school in Chicago but a flight school was opened under my name.Fortunately, i got to live my dream of becoming the first African American pilot ever to soar the skies.

Flying like a Bird

My proudest accomplishment is being the first African American woman to earn my pilot license and explore the skies.But it was not easy, not at all. I had to learn French to be able to communicate and learn how to fly in France.I missed my family dearly but it was the only way i could accomplish my wild dream to fly as a African American woman.As an African American it was extremenly difficult to be accepted in to a flight school and as a woman it was nearly impossible.In my time woman were not meant to fly,women who flew were known to have no morals or intelligence.In the 1900s,women were not meant to fly.But it was my dream to fly - to fly like a bird.

Sunday, April 19, 2009